Post Hypnotic Suggestions and Automatic Programs

robert-fludd-the-mirror-of-the-whole-of-nature-and-the-image-of-art-16172The unconscious has many layers and we are still discovering the wonderful features of this most interesting phenomenon. In the old days, Dr Freud labelled it as a “beast” and it had quite a discouraging impression in the eyes of public for a long while. Darkness, sickness and many other negative aspects were considered to be the very essence of the unconscious mind. When I’ve first learned about this concept, I imagined it as a huge dark warehouse where everything was hidden and one could easily get lost and stay stuck (!) .

However, thanks to hypnotists like Dr Erickson and Dave Elman, we now know that the unconscious mind is one of the most fascinating characteristics of the vast human potential. For instance, the unconscious mind runs and regulates your bodily functions. While you are reading these lines, your heartbeat and blood pressure level are being regulated by a superior system, your eye balls are automatically moving and many neurotransmitters are being fired in the background for many other purposes. When you get injured or get cut, automatic programs of healing are being run and you are right back on track again.  Continue reading